8 Stretches to Help You Recover after EMS Training

8 Stretches to Help You Recover after EMS Training

8 Stretches to Help You Recover after EMS Training

After an EMS session at Feel Electric it’s important to do some stretches. Stretching out parts of your body like the legs, back, neck, arms, and hips boosts your mobility and flexibility while also reducing the risk of injury. Post EMS training stretches also prevent excessive muscle pain like DOMs (delayed-onset muscle soreness). As you build up lactic acid in your muscles during EMS training stretching your muscles after each session helps release that lactic acid, improving the blood circulation to your muscles. Those stretches can be the difference then in recovering quicker, increased flexibility, and feeling less muscle soreness after your EMS session. Here is a useful list of 8 Stretches to Help You Recover after EMS Training so you avoid the DOMs!

Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS

If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.

1. Hamstring Stretches

You use your hamstrings in your EMS training when performing squats and other leg movements so it’s a key stretch after your session at Feel Electric:

  • Start from a standing position
  • Hold on to your knee with both hands
  • Gently pull
  • Hold for 20 seconds
  • Switch to the other leg to finish the rep
  • Aim for 6-10 reps of this stretch

2. Stretches for Your Quads

Stretching your quads is important after an EMS workout as the stretch activates the muscles, stimulates blood flow, and can increase your range of motion and flexibility.  And that’s just what you want for your next EMS session!

  • Start from a standing position
  • Lift your left foot
  • Bend it behind you
  • Pull your foot towards your upper thigh
  • Hold for 30 seconds
  • Switch to the other foot

3. Shoulder Stretches

When you exercise your shoulders, you break down muscle to build it up bigger and stronger. Your individual muscle fibres are left shorter and tenser. Stretching lengthens those muscle fibres giving you more flexibility and a greater range of motion.

  • Draw your left arm across the front of your body
  • Pull your arm gently
  • Hold for 20 seconds
  • Switch to the other side
  • Repeat each side 3 times

4. Piriformis Muscle Stretch

This EMS training stretch targets the piriformis muscle that runs from the base of your spine to your thigh bone and affects the movement of your hips, back, legs, and buttocks. These piriformis muscle stretches after your EMS session help release pressure on the sciatic nerve.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent
  • Lift your left leg and place your left ankle on your right knee
  • Keeping your right leg flat on the floor, slightly bend your back and lean forward until you feel a stretch in your buttocks
  • Gently pull
  • Hold for 30 seconds
  • Repeat with your right leg on your left knee.
  • Repeat 2 or 3 times with each leg.

5. Stretches for Your Triceps

Your triceps are used for elbow extension and to stabilize your shoulder. After an EMS training session, triceps stretches can improve flexibility, lengthen your muscles, prevent injury, and increase your range of motion.

  • Start in a standing position
  • Lift one arm and bend it behind your head
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed
  • Pull gently on your raised elbow with the other hand
  • Hold for 20 seconds
  • Switch sides and repeat

6. Lower Back Stretch

Stretching your lower back muscles after EMS training can help prevent muscle soreness and back injury as well as improving your range of motion and flexibility.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent
  • Clasp your hands around your lower legs
  • Pull your knees towards your chest
  • Pull gently on your raised elbow with the other hand
  • Hold for 30 seconds
  • Repeat

7. Lumbar Stretch

Trying this lumbar stretch once you’ve finished your EMS session will really help with back muscle soreness.

  • Lie flat on the floor with both your knees together and bent
  • Rock your knees slowly from side to side until you feel a stretch or if your knees reach the floor
  • Repeat 10 times

8. Stretches for Your Spine

Our final EMS training stretch is for your spine. Stretching your spine will help you stay more flexible and toned while reducing the chance of injury after exercising.

  • Lie on your back with one leg straight and the other one bent
  • Place the foot of your bent leg on the shin
  • Keep both shoulders on the floor and your bent leg across your body
  • Repeat 3 times with 15 seconds on each side

Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS

If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.


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