Time Efficient EMS Exercise with Feel Electric
Beth Hayton2022-07-28T08:30:12+00:00You Won’t Waste a Moment with EMS Training
Not having enough time to exercise can be a good excuse not to work out. We all have busy lives and it can be difficult to fit in fitness when you have so many competing demands on your time. But that excuse doesn’t work with EMS training at Feel Electric. Avoid the stress of trying to find hours at a time to go to the gym and try short Electro Muscle Stimulation sessions instead. Just 20 minutes a week will transform your fitness and strength, allowing you to slim down and tone up much more effectively. Keeping exercise in your timetable and still being time efficient is a lot easier when you can save time with EMS training.
Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS
If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.
How EMS Workouts are So Effective and So Short
It sounds attractive doesn’t it. Only 20 minutes a week; a small percentage of the time usually spent in gyms but the same results as a 2-hour HIIT session. But does it sound too good to be true? You can be reassured that EMS training has many years of scientific research and practical use behind it. Electro Muscle Stimulation technology uses electrical currents to reach up to 90% of your deep-lying muscles and conventional exercise can’t even come close to that type of full body workout. That means EMS training is far more focused and effective than going to the gym. EMS sessions are in fact 50% more intensive than strength training at your local gym and improve your endurance and fitness levels by up to 69%. So, if you’re going to select a time efficient exercise, which would you rather choose?
Everyone’s Time is Precious
EMS exercise is for everyone. Low impact, short in duration and highly effective, EMS training allows everybody with a hectic life, from busy mums to work addicts, to find fitness time for themselves. No matter your age or current level of fitness, you can build lean muscle, lose weight and decrease body fat, enjoy pain relief and improve your mobility in just 20 minutes a week. Less time spent worrying about getting to the gym and more spending time with your family, enjoying your hobbies or relishing your social life! EMS training is designed for people with busy lives who want to be more time efficient.
Focused EMS Training Tailored for You
Our expert personal trainers really add to the effectiveness of your EMS sessions. Feel Electric personal trainers will help you maximise your workout with tailored EMS exercise that speeds you towards your fitness goals. Our supportive personal trainers will create with you an EMS road map to your health targets and work with you on a nutritional eating plan to underpin your fitness journey. You’ll enjoy short but efficient EMS sessions that deliver the results you want in just 20 minutes a week. Being more time efficient gets so much easier when you try EMS training.
Accelerate Your Fitness Journey with Feel Electric
Now that you know just how time-efficient and how effective EMS training can be, don’t delay. Why waste a second longer on conventional gyms when you can get the same effects in just 20 EMS minutes? Sign up to one of our free trial EMS sessions at a Feel Electric studio near you and you’ll soon be wondering what you’re going to do with all your newfound free time! Accelerate your fitness journey by taking the right first step at Feel Electric EMS.
Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS
If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.
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