How to Build Healthy Habits in 5 Steps

How to Build Healthy Habits in 5 Steps

How to Build Healthy Habits in 5 Steps

Can it sometimes feel like too much hard work staying healthy? Do you look at people who manage to fit fitness into their busy lives and wonder how? With a little effort and insight that can be you too. If you can harness the incredible power of habit, soon you’ll feel healthier and fitter far more consistently. Here is how to Build Healthy Habits in 5 Steps.

Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS

If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.

1. Set a Specific Goal for Your Habit

We can all fall prey to setting vague health and fitness goals that we want to achieve. Lose some weight. Add some muscle. But for long lasting habit creation you need specificity. Try thinking precisely about what you aim to do and how often you aim to do it. For example, having a specific goal for your EMS habit like losing weight is easier to plan and visualize. Set specific and measurable goals that also mean something emotionally to you. Consider what success looks like for you. Your healthy habit doesn’t have to be a huge change but it should be specific.

2. Make Time for Your Habit

Once you’ve established a specific goal for your habit, you need to decide when you’re going to do it. Creating a dedicated space in your busy life means there’s less chance you’ll forget to follow through. Make it easy on your brain and add a digital habit reminder on your phone or tablet so you can’t avoid remembering. A calendar reminder will jog your memory and also make it more likely you’ll continue with your healthy habit as you won’t want to let yourself down. If you want your habit to stick around, then stick in your diary!


3. Fun Habits are Easier to Repeat

If a healthy habit isn’t fun, it can feel even harder. When you’re trying to create a new habit, try to inject an element of fun or enjoyment to it. With health and fitness for example do a form of exercise that you already love like walking or EMS treatments rather than flogging yourself in the gym. Cook spicy vegetarian food for yourself rather than pile more tasteless broccoli on your plate if you’re trying to eat healthily. If you don’t look forward to your healthy habit, it’s very hard to keep going when you’re busy or your energy is low. Turn your healthy habit into a source of pleasure and you won’t associate it with pain!

4. Flexible Habits Last Longer

An important part of habit creation is staying flexible. Some days we just can’t fit in working out; even squeezing in that 20 minutes of EMS treatment can be difficult. But that’s OK as long as get back on track as soon as you can. Even professional athletes have bad days. But what they don’t do is compound those bad days. They get back on track quickly and re-establish their healthy habits. Plan to be flexible when it comes to healthy habits. Think about how you can rearrange that EMS session or can you fit in a walk if you can’t make it to the gym. You don’t have to beat yourself up if you miss one EMS session; just make sure you make the next one!

5. Reward Yourself for Successful Habits

Feeling that you’re making progress can be important when you want to create a new habit. But when you do feel you’re making progress, make sure you reward yourself. It doesn’t have to be a holiday to the Caribbean, you could just tell yourself ‘well done’. If you’re doing your EMS sessions with a friend, you can even congratulate each other every time you hit your targets. Thankfully tracking your progress is easy at Feel Electric EMS but make sure to reward yourself when you’ve achieved your goals. Consistent activity followed by reward will help your healthy habit to stick around. 


Healthy Habits at Feel Electric

Make EMS training your new habit and you’ll soon reap the health rewards. In just 20 minutes you can transform your body using safe electrical impulses that activate over 90% of your muscle fibres. Low impact Electro Muscle Stimulation workouts help you build a more toned physique no matter the fitness level you’re starting from. Book your free 14-day EMS trial at Feel Electric today and create a truly transformative habit.

Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS

If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.


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