Midlife Fitness Training for Middle Age with Feel Electric

Midlife Fitness Training for Middle Age with Feel Electric

How to Exercise Smarter in Midlife

Staying active in midlife isn’t always easy. When you hit your middle years your family and work commitments can be very time-consuming so how can you exercise smarter when you’re middle aged? With EMS training you’ll always have time to work out. Just 20 minutes a week gives you the equivalent exercise effects of a 2-hour HIIT session. EMS workouts are low-impact and personal trainer-led so you won’t waste a second of your precious time whether it’s the middle of the day or you’re middle-aged!

Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS

If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.

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The Importance of Working Out in Middle Age

Just because you’re now in your forties or fifties doesn’t have to mean that exercise shouldn’t be a priority. In your middle years, a slower metabolism and hormonal changes for women during perimenopause and menopause can make losing weight much harder. You are also at higher risk of developing cardiac and bone issues during midlife so maintaining an active lifestyle is vital. Thankfully, EMS training can keep your middle age spread from spreading but it’s just as effective at building up bone strength. In addition, if you aren’t exercising regularly in your middle years your risk of an early death increases substantially. Don’t worry though if you’re only starting to get fit in middle age. Recent studies have shown that getting active in midlife could be as good for you as starting out when you’re younger.

Strengthen Your Midlife Body Faster

After you hit your forties your risk of breaking a bone increases as your bones begin to weaken. For women in particular who have thinner bones than men, osteoporosis becomes more common as well. Strengthening your muscles can help improve your posture, strength, flexibility, and movement, and help prevent falls and potential bone breakages. EMS training helps you add lean muscle without putting any strains on your joints. After just a few sessions of EMS workouts you’ll see an improvement in your posture and a reduction in any lower back pain or stress that you’re currently feeling. Safeguard your middle years from potential falls and potential bone breaks and build your bones with EMS exercise.

A Fitter Body and Fitter Mind in Midlife

Recent studies have shown that loneliness for adults peaks in their late fifties. This type of midlife loneliness is linked with poor mental health like depression and anxiety. But effective physical exercise like EMS training can help deal with mental health issues during your middle years. Working out has been shown to combat anxiety and depression thanks to increased blood flow and the creation of brain chemicals called endorphins that promote happiness. The fact that you only have to spend 20 minutes a week working out to achieve the effects of a 2-hour HIIT session means that you only have to motivate yourself for a short period to exercise even when you’re feeling the mental effects of midlife.

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Exercise to Combat Midlife Menopause

Midlife menopause and the years leading up to it known as perimenopause can be very unpleasant for women. These hormonal changes in your middle years can cause hot flushes, sleeplessness, irregular periods and can promote fat retention in the abdominal area. Regular EMS training is especially effective at combatting belly fat with its unique ability to activate over 90% of muscle fibres and target stomach weight loss.

Keep Fit in Middle Age

As we enter middle age, it can become more difficult to keep exercising. With EMS training at Feel Electric studios though you only have to focus for 20 minutes a week. You’ll look forward to our quick low-impact workout with supportive personal trainers and won’t have to dread slogging away in the gym for hours at a time. You’ll build muscle, lose weight, and protect yourself from the difficulties of midlife with EMS training. Sign up for a free trial session at Feel Electric today to start taking charge of your fitness in your middle years.

Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS

If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.


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