Transform Your Wellness with EMS Training

Transform Your Wellness with EMS Training

How to Transform Your Wellness with EMS Training

Feeling well isn’t about not feeling ill. Wellness includes physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing and EMS training can help you transform your health and wellness quicker than any conventional exercise. All exercise releases those happy endorphins and give us a better sense of wellbeing but gym workouts can take up a lot of time and take away from that positive feeling. EMS training only lasts 20 minutes so you’ll improve your inner wellbeing in far less time whether you’re a busy professional, a parent finding it difficult to take time for themselves or you just have a hectic lifestyle. It’s easier to commit to just 20 minutes a week so you can enjoy regular exercise and all the benefits that come with that. With consistent workouts you’ll feel more energised but also sleep better at night. You’ll create your own sense of wellness from the fun that you’ll have with our friendly personal trainers who lead every EMS session at Feel Electric. After your EMS session you’ll feel relaxed and happy, especially when you start to see the physical results of your workouts!

Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS

If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.

The Science behind EMS Wellness

For us at Feel Electric the benefits of EMS training for health and wellness aren’t just something we say for marketing purposes; they’re backed up by real-life experience and by multiple scientific studies. Electro Muscle Stimulation technology has been an effective rehabilitation and sports performance tool for decades used by some of the world’s top sports stars and teams including Cristiano Ronaldo and Bayern Munich. Scientific studies by the Universities of Bayreuth (2002–2003) and Erlangen-Nürnberg (2009), the German Sport University Cologne (2008) and the Bad Oeynhausen Heart Clinic (2010) have all shown just how effective EMS training is to improve physical and mental wellbeing. And that’s for everyone from elite athletes to people at the very start of their fitness journey. EMS training can be a transformative tool in improving your health and wellbeing without putting any strain on your body or on your time, but what are the specific wellness benefits of EMS?


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Protect Your Physical Wellbeing with EMS Exercise

Working out with EMS technology is great for boosting your immune system. Your white blood cells circulate faster so you combat any potential sickness quicker while your lungs and airways are flushed out reducing the opportunities for illnesses like colds and flus to enter your system. You also get the endorphin wellness effects from your EMS exercise making you less stressed and less vulnerable to getting infections. Regular exercise has even been shown to decrease cellular aging. Your overall physical health and wellbeing will always benefit from 20 minutes a week of EMS training.

EMS Training Makes You Feel Stronger

Feeling stronger will have a hugely positive impact on your health and wellness. Being able to perform everyday tasks without difficulty because you’ve added lean muscle and burnt off unwanted fat will only add to your emotional and mental wellbeing. EMS training will improve your strength, endurance, and maximum power by stimulating up to 90% of your muscle fibres including the deep-lying muscles that conventional gym workouts just can’t reach. You’ll not only feel stronger but you’ll look more toned adding to increased mental wellbeing. EMS workouts promote weight loss, accelerate blood circulation, and stimulate cell metabolism while also reducing skin sag and cellulite. And you won’t just feel and look stronger physically either with EMS training.



Feel Stronger Mentally with EMS Workouts

Working out with EMS technology will have a really positive effect on your mental health. Exercising is not only great for your physical health and wellness but it has been shown to transform your mental wellbeing. Regular EMS training will help improve your self-esteem as you feel more energetic and feel better about how you look. Working with our supportive personal trainers you’ll set health and wellness goals and achieve them faster than traditional gym workouts. And of course, you’ll get those lovely happy endorphin effects in just 20 minutes of EMS training a week. Seeing quicker results than conventional exercise will also motivate you to keep working out. Finding an activity that you enjoy and can make a regular part of your life will also lead to better emotional stability and reduced anxiety. In other words, you’ll transform your mental health and wellness with EMS training!

A Health and Wellness EMS Workout for Everyone

Improve your health and wellness on a consistent basis with EMS training at Feel Electric studios. All you have to find in your busy life is 20 minutes a week to transform your wellbeing. Build lean muscle, burn over 500 calories in each EMS workout and tone up your body quicker than any gym session. Feel well in mind and body with the minimum of effort and the minimum of time. Start a new wellness journey today by signing up to one of our free trial EMS sessions. Feel your best sooner at Feel Electric EMS studios.

Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS

If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.


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