Amazing Weight Loss Results with Feel Electric EMS Training
Beth Hayton2022-01-05T12:05:35+00:00Achieve the Weight Loss Results You’ve Always Wanted
Sarah tries to stay as active as possible so she can keep the weight off. She knows the benefits of regular exercise, after all she’s a former Leeds United Ladies footballer! However, as a woman in her mid-fifties, despite walking the dogs every day and playing walking football every week, she does find it difficult to stay as toned as she’d like. That’s where Feel Electric EMS training comes in. Sarah is no stranger to the impressive weight loss benefits you get in just 20 minutes a week. This is her second series of Electro Muscle Stimulation workouts at Feel Electric studios. “I would definitely recommend this to people my age, as the exercises are just gentle enough, it’s just simple exercises and our market-leading EMS technology “does the hard work for you.”
Burn More Calories with Electro Muscle Stimulation Workouts
Sarah has a simple focus when it comes to her EMS training: lose weight and gain strength. In the past she’d “tried to lose weight so many times doing so many things” but when she would get on the scales, she would see no signs of progress. Thankfully, Electro Muscle Stimulation training can really accelerate your weight loss programme. As multiple scientific studies have shown, EMS workouts are highly effective for burning fat and adding lean muscle far quicker than conventional exercise. Even better they don’t take up the extra time required for the gym and that suits Sarah perfectly, “20 minutes of this just fits in with my lifestyle.” In the past, Sarah’s found her one EMS session a week would “carry through to all the other activities you do in the week, its brilliant.” So how did she find her first EMS session back in the Feel Electric studio?
Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS
If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.
Week 1 of Sarah’s EMS Fitness Journey
Did Sarah still feel the positive effects of EMS training after her first session back? She told us, “it’s been a good session, I’ve really enjoyed it, I’m buzzing a bit now.” When she came in for her EMS workout, Sarah felt “very old today after a day at work” but 20 minutes later she a felt “a lot younger now”. And she didn’t just feel physically fitter but she felt “happy, that’s something I’ve found when I come in here, as well as the physical benefits it’s the mental benefits for me, I do feel energised.” Sounds like Sarah is off to the perfect start on her new EMS fitness journey. We’ll talk with Sarah after her sixth session to see how she’s getting on.
Sarah, “I’ve really enjoyed been back, I feel really good after it, and its just perfect to fit in now I’m back at work full time.”
The Most Effective Weight Loss Tool - Feel Electric EMS
Sarah understands that when you want to lose weight, exercising for hours at the gym simply isn’t as effective as an EMS session. Electro Muscle Stimulation helps you burn fat faster than any conventional fitness methods. In just 20 minutes per week of EMS fitness work you can transform your weight loss programme. Start building lean muscle and accelerate your metabolism to burn more fat using a safe weight loss programme supported by the latest fitness science. Sign up for a free trial session at Feel Electric EMS studios today and start a faster weight loss journey.
Feel Inspired by Feel Electric EMS
If just one 20-minute EMS session a week at Feel Electric studios equals a 2-hour HIIT session, what are you waiting for? There’s only one way to feel the true power of EMS training and that’s to try it for yourself! Book a Free EMS Trial Online to Tone, Firm and Lose Weight with EMS Training.
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