Feel Electric Secure Private Investors to Help Launch Franchisees

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Feel Electric Secure Private Investors to Help Launch Franchisees

Feel Electric are excited to announce that we’ve teamed up with a broad group of private investors that have expressed their enthusiasm for our unique, cutting edge, business model. Consisting of bespoke EMS training programmes, a purpose-built and expansive technology stack and our state-of-the-art methodology and processes; In a franchising first for the EMS industry, Feel Electric have attracted a group of investors that are willing to provide up to 100% of the necessary capital to open a Feel Electric Studio.

So, what does this mean? It means that now, we have the unprecedented opportunity to open our doors to you, the thousands of existing or aspiring entrepreneurs that want to take control of your own life and open your own business. Within the Feel Electric family you’ll be joining an established business, being trained by staff with decades of experience and learning bespoke and unique processes and skills that are tried, tested and true examples of best practice in the EMS and Health and Wellbeing industries. And now, with our investor partners ready and willing to back the right individuals, the barrier to entry is as low as matching the infectious and radiant enthusiasm our investors have for EMS training, health, wellness and the Feel Electric brand.

We don’t expect you to take all of this at face value however, our first Investor backed franchise is already ramping up towards launch and we sat down with the owner, Mike from Nottingham, to get real feedback on how this whole process has been for him.

Q1: “So Mike, why did you want to open a Feel Electric Franchise?”

A: “Well it’s a good question isn’t it; I’ve always always been fascinated by EMS training as a concept, I’ve got a bit of a background in health and fitness myself and I’ve always kept my eye on the industry and its trends. In many ways, ideas and technologies in that industry can be quite stagnant. So, EMS training and the cutting-edge technologies that are moving forward and showing really promising results are incredibly exciting to me. I did my research in the UK and when I came across Feel Electric, I was excited by two things:

One, their overall approach to the concept of wellness and health, it’s not just an EMS company, they’ve actually designed and developed programmes that incorporate data, medically certified equipment and an overall, holistic, approach to making people healthier, no other company has done that and the more I read, the better it looked.

Two, the technology they’ve built is just brilliant. I can’t say too much about it because huge parts of it are proprietary but it’s really clear that the Feel Electric guys have built something new, fresh and powerful from the ground up. No existing technology tools could operate this level of integrated data analysis on health tracking, demographic data, product development, site management and so much more. These guys broke the mould and I wanted to be part of it”

Q2: “What kept you from jumping in and opening a Feel Electric Franchise earlier?”

A: “Honestly, it was a simple matter of capital. I didn’t have the money up-front. Even with a franchise deal as robust and generous as the one Feel Electric put forward the up-front costs were a bit out of my comfort zone. They offered to pair me with funding partners and introduce me to places where I could go to get asset financing set up or business loans and grants, and I was on the fence and considering my options, but then the guys approached me with an even better offer that suited my needs perfectly.”

Q3: “You’re opening a Franchise in the Nottingham area soon, and you’ve secured funding. Tell us what that journey has been”

A: “Absolutely. As I said, Feel Electric approached me with a new offer because they’d heard from some really enthusiastic private individuals that were looking to add investments in EMS and Feel Electric to their portfolios. They set up a relationship between me and one of these investors and he’s provided 100% of the money I needed. I’ve gone from being unable to pursue this technology that I love the concept for, to having a partner and smashing through the process. It’s been brilliant. My studio in Nottingham is now gearing up and I couldn’t be happier. We’re doing the legals now and we’ll be moving on to the training stage soon so I can learn all the ropes of opening the studio and the ins and outs of how to use Feel Electric’s technology to the fullest and my investor partner is really pleased to be working with me and in the EMS training industry with Feel Electric.”

To find out more about Feel Electric’s Turnkey Franchise solution, whether you’re a low or high capital entrepreneur we have options to work with amateurs and experienced businesspeople to bring Feel Electric’s Holistic wellness programmes to every corner of the UK.

Find out more and follow in Mike’s footesteps by downloading our franchise pack and registering your interest at this link so our Franchise Team can contact you: https://feel-electric.com/franchise/